We’re in week 2 of our summer message series, “Follow.” (You can catch up on this series by watching the week 1 and week 2 message videos online.) We’re taking the summer to explore the invitation to follow Jesus and asking some questions about it, such as: Who is the invitation for? What is the invitation about? In week 1 we discovered that the invitation to follow Jesus is for everyone, including sinners and unbelievers. In fact, all of Jesus’s first century followers did not believe in him when they were invited to follow. We also discovered that the invitation to follow Jesus is not an invitation to rules or religion, but an invitation to a relationship with him. In week 2 we looked at the question: what does it really mean to follow? Since the invitation to follow Jesus is an invitation to a relationship with him, following Jesus means taking steps--big or small--in his direction. What’s your next step in following Jesus? It’s different for everyone and it depends on where you are today--what your current response is to the invitation to follow Jesus. Today, commit to identifying your current response (no, not yet replied, maybe, or yes) to Jesus’s invitation to follow him. And then, from wherever you are today, take a step or even just a lean in the direction of Jesus. In prayer or quiet time today, ask God for the wisdom to know your next step in following Jesus and the courage to take it.