God designed us to find meaning and purpose in community. Just like Legos are made to connect with one another, God designed us to connect with one another. In his first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul challenges us to see that although we are all different, together we complete the body of Christ. We belong to one another--each of us needs all the others, and together we can accomplish what we never could on our own. Belonging to the Body of Christ helps me know who I am, and be who I am, in a way that no other community can do quite as well. God gave us this gift of belonging to his family, being a part of the body, the Church, because he knows that we need it. We need to be connected to each other, we need to support one another, we need to hold one another up. Because we belong to one another. We were made to belong to one another.
Want to take your next step with this week’s message?
- There are plenty of people in our wider community that don’t come to church, that maybe don’t feel like they belong here at New Roads. Greeters at the doors of the church play a crucial role in creating an environment that is welcoming and inviting for all--an environment that communicates to all who enter our doors that they belong here with us, as part of God’s family. Consider serving as a greeter in 2016, even just for a couple of weeks, to try it out. To learn more, join us for our greeter meeting tonight, Wednesday, January 27, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph. Please RSVP to Kathy Rushe, [email protected].
- Think about someone in your life who doesn’t belong to a church community. Maybe it’s a family member, friend, or neighbor who has been away from the Church, God’s family. Invite them to join you this Sunday at New Roads. Share an experience of how being part of God’s family, having that sense of belonging, has helped you find meaning and purpose.
- If you didn’t get to hear this week’s message, you can listen to it here on our Web site.