Feeling overwhelmed?!
It can be hard not to feel overwhelmed at this time of year. But the Church gives us the season of Advent, which begins this Sunday, a season full of readings and songs that invite us to slow down, to be quiet, to reflect. Advent is like a retreat that the Church offers us at this time of year--a chance to reflect on the role of faith in our lives. We’re beginning a four-week message series this weekend called Making Room, and it’s all about how we can carve out space in our hearts, in our lives, and in our churches to make room for the things that matter most. Our lives can feel so crowded and cluttered at this time of year that it can be hard to imagine making room for anything else. But Christ is worth making room for, and Advent is the perfect time to think about making room in our hearts and our churches as we approach Christmas.
Want to do a little more to prepare for Sunday?
- Read the readings ahead of time.
- Pray each day between now and Sunday: “God, help me to make room in my life for the things that matter most.”
- Is there someone in your life feeling stressed by the holiday season? Tell them about our upcoming message series, and invite them to join you for worship this weekend!