What am I afraid of? That’s what we’re asking ourselves in Week 6 of Follow, our summer message series. We said that following Jesus does not lead to a pain-free life, but it does lead to a faith that overwhelms fear. Reaching that place where our faith is so great that it overwhelms and overshadows our fear is a lifelong journey, but here are some ways you can move forward this week:
- Identify what you’re afraid of. It may be obvious to you at first--a big presentation at work or a difficult conversation at home. Or it may be more subtle--it’s not a fear about the presentation itself, it’s a fear about not being qualified for the job; it’s not a fear about the difficult conversation, but the state of the relationship.
- Spend some quiet time with God just talking to him about this fear. Ask God to help you take a step toward him. To figure out what that step might be, ask yourself: what would I do with this fear if I was completely confident that God was with me?