In the ancient world, the king was the central figure and most important person in any society; good kings were a source of protection, strength, and guidance for their people. This weekend, the last Sunday of the Church’s year, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, and the readings offer us the image of Christ as the king of our lives, the one who saves, sustains, and guides us. We modern people tend to think of ourselves as strong and independent, so we’re not always aware of our need for help and guidance. And we don’t think about kings much anymore, so the idea of Christ as “king” may be hard to grasp. Join us for worship this weekend as we explore this invitation to put Christ at the center of our lives from a modern perspective. Some questions we’ll think about together:
- How does Christ fit into our lives right now?
- Are we open to the possibility of giving our hearts and our lives to Christ more and more?
- How does the choice to commit to Christ affect our lives in a practical way?