We’re in week 5 of our summer message series, Follow, which is all about the invitation to follow Jesus. (Missed the previous weeks? It’s not too late! Catch up by watching the message videos online.) This week we looked at a tension that all followers of Jesus experience at some point: the tension between God’s agenda and our agenda, the tension between what God wants and what we want. Maybe you’re experiencing this tension in a situation or relationship right now: your conscience is telling you to do something, but you don’t want to do it; God’s Word is inviting you to change a habit, but you want to hold onto it; a trusted friend is trying to help you with something, but you want nothing to do with it. It might sound scary to experience this tension, but it’s in this tension that you learn so much about yourself and have an incredible chance to grow your faith. Because when you experience this tension, you have a choice: you can follow your will--or--you can follow God’s will. Followers of Jesus choose to follow God’s will even when it’s at odds with their own will, wants, and desires. This is deeply challenging and ultimately requires surrendering control and surrendering to God. Spend some time today talking to God about how this message challenges you. Try praying with this song: Control
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
-“Control” by Tenth Avenue North
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
-“Control” by Tenth Avenue North