This weekend we wrapped up our message series, Half-Truths, by looking at the common saying that God won't give you more than you can handle. This is true if we mean that God is provident and in control or that he is always with us. However, God often gives us more than we can handle. God allows us to be overwhelmed by the demands and struggles of life. Why is that? When life is good, we tend to think it is our creativity or skill or intelligence that has made it so. We get deceived into thinking that we can manage life all on our own and that we don’t need God. God allows us to be overwhelmed so we will turn to him and rely on his presence and his power. Ultimately God gives us more than we can handle so that we can grow in faith. Faith and trust in God grows when we are challenged to meet the demands of life. The whole truth is that God will not give you more than you can handle without his help. Spend some time with God today sharing the biggest struggle you are facing right now. What’s overwhelming you and why? Pray that you will walk the valleys of life with faith and trust in God’s power and presence. Try praying with this song: Mountain
Missed this weekend’s message? Want to share the message with a friend going through a difficult season of life? Watch the message video online.
Missed this weekend’s message? Want to share the message with a friend going through a difficult season of life? Watch the message video online.