We’re in the middle of our message series, Half-Truths, and this weekend we looked at the half-truth that says: all religions are the same. This is true if we mean that all religions ask many of the same questions, such as: Who is God? What is the meaning of life? How should we live? But the whole truth is that all religions ask the same questions, but they arrive at very different answers. In this weekend’s message we explored how our Christian faith answers one of the most fundamental questions that all religions ask: Who is God and what is God like? Christians believe that God has revealed to the world his very nature. God is a community of love we call the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The community of love that is the Trinity confirms our hunch that love is the greatest value that exists. For all eternity, the three persons of the Trinity have loved each other. And the goal of our life is to be drawn into that community of love. Pray today for a deepening understanding of the truth of the Trinity. Pray that through your life, you will be drawn into God's community of love.