I love the good feeling I get each week welcoming the parishioners I know and those who may be new. I leave with a smile and the hope that I made a difference in someone's day.
Nancy Mitchell, greeter
I love that being a Eucharistic minister makes me feel like I am somehow helping to feed the community.
Sheryl Teti, Eucharistic minister
I love meeting families with new babies and remembering what it was like to have a baby--and how welcoming everyone at the parish was.
Paul Aloisio, baptismal ministry team
I love leading CLOW, as it is my way of sharing my love for God with others. Each Sunday, I hope to make a difference for just one child--if I reach more, even better.
Christine Regan, Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) leader
What I love most about being part of the bereavement ministry is praying for souls!
Jill Shanley, funeral-planning minister
In visiting needy families, two by two, I am reminded of my calling to be a disciple of Jesus. For me, it is always a very humbling experience.
George Kenrick, St. Vincent de Paul Society
I so enjoy helping with the children's liturgy because it helps me connect with the simplicity of the Gospel. Simple messages, reinterpreted by the kids, help me to hear and see the Word of God.
Mark Healy, Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) leader
I love seeing the faces of the congregation and knowing Jesus is present in each one. His presence will leave the building with every one of those people and work through them--that is powerful.
Kathleen Kim, Eucharistic minister
I like volunteering at the Reconciliation and Eucharist workshops, because my family enjoyed these workshops last year and I want to help others have the same experience (plus there are several workshop times, which makes it easy to find a time that works).
Jennifer Loebach, Reconciliation and Eucharist workshop volunteer
When I lead Scripture reflection, I am very aware that I am facilitating God's work. We breathe in God’s Word and it illuminates us in places where we need light.
Suzanne Robotham, Scripture reflection leader
I love having the opportunity to witness young Catholic teens realizing that spirituality and important good daily choices entwine in all they do.
Tim Stratford, Confirmation small-group leader
Lectoring allows me to experience the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit, who has been a dear friend throughout my life. It is something on which I rely wholeheartedly and unhesitatingly, and I cherish our journeys together, in particular as we ascend the pulpit.
Karen Young, lector
Serving in Bereavement Ministry gives me the opportunity to sit with grief-stricken families and offer my support, compassion, and assistance while preparing a beautiful individual Mass for their beloved deceased.
Janice Christo, funeral-planning minister
There's a couple of things I love about hosting Coffee Hour--one is having my kids help with setting things up and organize things (makes them feel needed and appreciated). Another is to have a sip of coffee just before Mass!
David High, Coffee and Donuts host
I love being a Confirmation leader because it gives me an opportunity to share my faith journey with Confirmation candidates while also helping to foster their faith journeys through dialogue at meetings, retreats, and service projects.
Caitlin Corrieri, Confirmation small-group leader
Most all the patients I see at Mt. Auburn Hospital are worried and afraid, and my presence reminds them that they are not alone, that the larger Catholic community is joined with them, praying for them and supporting them at a difficult period in their lives.
Michael Quinn, Eucharistic minister at Mt. Auburn Hospital
Teaching and helping the children of New Roads Catholic Community has been an inspiration and a joy. Through my work with them, I have felt a deeper connection to God in my own life; the true path to Him is through the service of others.
Jodi Walker, Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) leader
The people I visit are elderly and live alone, so they really enjoy my weekly visits and receiving the Eucharist and feeling that they are still a part of the parish. It really is a pleasure for me to be able to do this for them.
Gerry Hermansen, Eucharistic minister to the homebound
I have just started lectoring and find myself learning or relearning each time something fresh, powerful, and helpful from the Word of God and hope that I can convey some of what God wishes to be conveyed by the readings to the members of the community.
Tony Leccese, lector
Obviously the kiddos are very cute--their conversations during our one-minute reflections are sweet and adorable. But more than that, I love being able to give the parents a one-hour respite to reflect and pray in peace--as the mother of two young ones, I know time is a true gift, and so I feel a sense of service in giving time to other parents.
Kristen Zecchi, Tiny Disciples volunteer
What I love about CLOW is the opportunity to help spiritually guide some of the youngest and most impressionable members of our parish.
Alex Casale, Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) leader
If you serve in a ministry, please feel free to add a comment to this post with one or two sentences about what YOU love most about serving.
Take your next step: Find ten minutes of quiet once or twice this week. Thank God for whatever you are feeling grateful for in your life. Then ask God to show you his will for you by praying: “God, how do you want me to give, and how do you want me to serve, in your community?”